Completed embroidery and crochet pieces

Hello everyone..

Hope your Friday is going on well :)
February has been unusually cold this time, we're expecting a -11 degree next week. Some of you may disagree and call this normal - but my time range of comparison is the past two years and those years were much better than what we're experiencing right now.

Now for an update from my end..

In a few months, our stay in Erlangen is coming to an end. The project which DH is overseeing right now is going to be completed and we're packing our bags back to India..Yooohoooo..

When I convey this piece of news to our acquaintances here - a question that is commonly asked is - aren't you sad to leave?  And that surprises me. Why would I be sad to go back to my homeland? We came here for an experience and we enjoyed it while it lasted, but we are not desperate to stay here. I am aware of  many expats who're trying very  hard  to land a job here  and continue with their lives here. We did have an option to go for permanent residency, but we decided against it. It is purely a matter of choice.

Of course, this place is beautiful, peaceful and clean ; but our hearts are happiest when we are in our own home. Thus the last month has been one of taking stock of what to take back and what not. We still have a couple of months here but our apartment here has already been booked by the next tenant - there appears to be a severe shortage of residences for people who're new to this place.

So, that's the bit of news. Now for the completed projects..

I stitched up roses again, this time a little more elaborately.

I know - you may be exclaiming - What, roses again??!!

Well, one has to try many times to get a hang of something new ;)

It did turn out as I had imagined, except for the fabric. I tried embroidering on Malkha - which is a mix of Mal-mal and Khadi and is popular as a wearable and is excellent for summers.

And here's my attempt at framing. The region inside the floral loop looks so because of the thinness of the fabric - but otherwise it is framed tight.
Do you think a darker, plain frame would've been better? I have not used glue or tape and changing the frame would be very easy.

I am planning to give this as a parting gift to one of our friends . Hopefully it'll be liked and appreciated.
The next one is a crochet skirt made for my one and half year old niece. My husband's younger brothers had their first daughters born during our stay here - we need to reconnect and introduce ourselves to the little ones as soon as we go back :)  My daughter has to takeover her position as the big sister of two little girls. :)

The older one for whom I crocheted the skirt is chubby for her age and I am hoping it'll fit. If not her, then it'll go to the second one . But she's born with a minor heart defect and is too tiny for her 8 months. It'll take a while for her to wear it. Let's see who gets it :)

So, that's my post for today. I am all smiles!!! :) :)
Have a great weekend!!

Love,luck and sunshine,